In this top-down 2D text-based point and click game, Pointer McCursor just wanted to clean their apartment but now must escape it. Or at least just not blow up with it. Talk to objects in your room, sleuth out the genuine from the fakers using only their word and your keen eye, and clear as many rooms as you can in one life. Remember: keep just the the essentials.

Created for the San Diego Summer Game Jam 2024.

Please wait beyond blue-screen for game to load, as it is quite large.


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(1 edit)

This was wodnerfully made. The aer was amazing and I loved the humor. Great work!

If video doesn't work, here's the link

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Thanks for playing the game! Appreciate the video review.

The game does loop forever. One of the sub-themes was "I've been here before". How'd you find the game?

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I honestly really liked it. I didnt realize it looped forever, i thought I was failing too early to get anything else. I wasn't expecting the randomness in the facts, lol, but some of them really surprised me. The art and storyline were also great, very humorous.

I like that it reset after completing everything (I was actually debating this at first). I was annoyed with restarting all over after one mess up, but if it's a looping game, then it makes more sense. 

Overall, very nice work!